About Me
Hi! You have reached the website of Barry Cox. I am an applied mathematician who used to work at the University of Adelaide with main interested in modelling nanoscaled phenomena. For more information on my research please see my academic website. On this site I will limit the mathematical content to recreational topics at most. However the main focus of this website will be an outlet for some programming projects and as a repository for the Australian Chess Ratings archive and Glicko rating change estimation tools.
All software and files are available for free on this site on an as is basis with no implied warranty or fitness for any purpose. If you find anything useful please leave a comment.
This is a remodeling on a previous version of this website. I am endeavoring to have all the functionality of the previous site to be replicated here. Primarily the rating calculator which some people seemed to find useful. I'm sure there will be some differences but hopefully the change-over will be mostly painless. If this are broken or impractical to use please let me know.